Preceptor Evaluation Form

Evaluator/Preceptor: Thank you for taking the time to help shape the future of EMS. You taking your time to help a new EMT is something that we truly appreciate and do not take lightly. Please take a moment to evaluate the student that rode with you. Be fair, but hold the student accountable for their performance. All scores below “3” should be clarified with a comment below.
1. Extremely poor
2. Poor
3. Has basic skills
4. Good skills
5. Extremely proficient

Student's uniform in excellent condition. Polo shirt clean and tucked in with black belt. Pants clean wrinkle free. Black shoes clean. Clean shaven ( No visible tattoos where applicable).
Student arrived rested and ready to work.
Student showed compassion for family and spoke in an appropriate manner.
Please enter any comments that you have regarding the student.